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Smoked _

Below are the various publications made with Italian publishing houses and Autoproduzioni.

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C INQUE goes Serial


Reinterpretations, parodies of five famous television series from the legendary 70s  '80 '90


In collaboration with:


Alberto Locatelli

Michele Carminati

Davide Castelluccio

Andrea Pini

Price: 5 €



Five stories for Five authors, is the beginning of a collaboration of minds linked territorially but not stylistically.


In collaboration with:


Alberto Locatelli

Michele Carminati

Davide Castelluccio

Andrea Pini


B ergaman A dventures

-Time Booster-Vol.1 (Sold Out)

-Time Booster-Vol.1 (Reprint)

-Time Booster-Vol. 2


Episode story of the first and only superhero of Bergamo.

After finding a magical polenta stick, Bergaman rides through the ages to discover the history of his city.

Price: 4 €


B ergaman S trip C ollection


Collection of the first 60 strips published on the Bergamo Superhero blog

S uper B ia VS eternal youth




First Graphic Novel made on an editorial level. 64 pages of history that tells of Bia, a beautiful, curvy and Superb superheroine traveling with her friend Tucckle in search of the fountain of eternal youth.

Price: 12 €

L ib ri I llustrated

M anual of Umbrella C helicity




First volume of the series "Le Isole del Tesoro" published by Edicolors  


Written by Sabrina Gasparini

Price: € 4.90



The N onno and the L one


Collection of written and illustrated stories


Various authors

Cover: LRN

Price: € 4.90

T olomeo

7 tales for nature




Ninth hardcover book of the series


Written by Lia Sparatore


Price: € 9.90

T he I she A asleep in the B osco


Collection of written and illustrated stories



Texts Maurizio Capuano

LRN illustrations



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